How to sell yourself in interviews

How to sell yourself in interviews.jpg

Do you enjoy selling yourself in interviews?

It's so much easier to sell a brand, a product or a service, isn’t it!

I prefer to think of selling as helping.


Giorgio Armani got me into it.

I'd worked in retail for years but selling Armani menswear was different. I loved helping clients to buy suits. The ritual in getting the fit and creating the Armani look. It just felt more personal than selling a pair of jeans.

As a headhunter, I stopped selling a product but I still sold brands, opportunities and dreams. I stuck to my guns about service and I never put a bum on a seat.

But I get it.

It can feel awkward in interviews because you are selling yourself.

Over the years I've interviewed thousands (yes thousands) of people and some are just naturally good interviewees. Others aren’t but everyone can improve.


For the sake of this post, I’ve narrowed it down to three main types, natural, over-rehearsed and boring.

Natural Sales Folk

There is an art to selling and these people are very well practised (or just lucky).

Natural salespeople are good at relationship building. Meetings tend to be more conversational, they flow and there's a good connection.

I’m not saying they find it easy but they certainly make it appear so.


The Over Rehearsed Person

Even high-flyers and overachievers can be guilty of this.

The crushing handshake is sometimes a give-away. The meeting feels more like a performance which I tend to put down to nerves or lack of know-how.

It’s good to get some practice in but don’t overdo it otherwise you’ll come across as too keen or desperate. Lighten up a bit.


PLAIN Boring

I’ll be honest, some people are a bit boring they ramble or go into a monologue. It gets worse if they don't pick up on the body language clues from the interviewer. Usually, they’re nervous, often they’ve not been shown another way. But the good news is that this too can be remedied with some help and coaching.

So, if you’re not feeling like a natural I’ve designed this exercise for you.

I want you to start thinking differently about interviews.


Can you talk about your career and the highlights without delivering a long drawn out version of your CV?

Can you explain what you do without hiding behind your job title? (people sometimes find this difficult when they're between roles)

Golden Nuggets

CVs need what I call ‘eye candy’ and interviews need ‘ear candy’ – dig deep for the juicy parts of your career and where you've made your mark!

The Golden Thread

This is what joins up the dots of your career.


This is your unique twist.

Elevator Pitch (urgh)

But do get clear on your value.

What do you do? who do you help and how?


Ready to try it out?

Try this exercise (away from your CV and screen) with pen and paper.

Give yourself 60-90 minutes. Enjoy!


Use these headings to explore your selling points:

  • List your Career Highlights & Golden Moments ('feel-good' stuff)

  • Write a BRIEF overview of your career (without the CV constraints)

  • Identify your USP

  • List the Eye Candy (brands/projects/locations...

  • Now looking back what’s the Golden Thread that joins the dots?

You can revisit the typical interview questions any day but the more fluent you get with your career story, the passion, the impact, the experience you’ve gained (warts and all) the more confident you will feel.

As you appreciate your value, your inner confidence will show and selling yourself will feel so much easier.

I hope that helps!

I have a rescue remedy for your career



I’m Tracy, Career Consultant, former Executive Headhunter and I help senior executives and leaders to land great jobs and be successful at work through 1:1 coaching.

I work with clients around the world from my London-based Zoom office.

If you’re ready for straight talk and career guidance get in touch – let's start the conversation.


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