Let's talk about mental health

Let's talk about Mental Health Tracy Short .jpg

Photo by Євгенія Височина on Unsplash

It's Mental Health Awareness Week and it couldn't have come at a better time.

You'd need to be reptilian to get through this coronavirus health pandemic and lockdown unscathed.

Some people have enjoyed a slower lifestyle, not needing to commute anywhere and having more quality time at home. Others have been tearing their hair out as they homeschool and fret about the future. I'm sure you can relate to both.

I've spoken about ‘sharpening up your act’ and ‘being your best’ for what lies ahead but that’s not at the expense of your humanness. Somewhere along the way we've learnt that we need to act or behave a certain way to be successful. But when the pressure is on the last thing we want to feel is fake or an imposter.

Success is an inside job – if you feel good and confident it shows.

But to get to that point you might need to face to some home truths. I’ve stared some of those difficult conversations on LinkedIn this week – bringing up topics that aren’t openly discussed:

  • The Midlife Career Crisis

  • The juggling act that women struggle with

  • The emotional rollercoaster that accompanies a job search

  • That heart-sinking feeling you get when you have to explain to friends and family that 'yes, you're still looking!'

  • The pressure all this can have on your close relationships

You can try leaving them in the shadows hoping that they’ll go away. Truth is some of them won’t ever go away but they do need managing.

If any of these subjects speak to you I’ll add some links at the end.

We all have our bad days but sometimes they can spill over into weeks, months and eventually years. Don’t leave it too long before you seek help.

Meanwhile here are some tips for your mental health and wellbeing:


Set your boundaries, when you're working from home when do you do your best work? Block that time out for you. And if you're in an office - your lunch break is sacred. If you don't respect your time no one else will.


I hate rules unless they're my own. Create rules that support you. For example, we all have to-do lists but have you got a don't do list? Don't get lost in social media, don't scroll the news for fear-inducing headlines, don't take calls during certain times of the day if you are easily distracted.


Start and end your day with something relaxing and nourishing. What does a spiritual practice mean to you? For some of us, it’s yoga asana, meditation, mindful activities or spending time in nature.


When you're ready to grow – find a coach, healer or therapist to accompany you.


Find your people.


Are you ready to start again? You don’t need the start of a new year, a new season or the new moon to start with a new focus (although the collective power might give you a ‘boost’). Every day and every moment you have a new possibility.

GIVE yourself a break

Further reading:

It’s not all about work

The dark side of work

Going in is the new going out!

Your circle of strength

How to survive & thrive staying at home

Do you need a bit of help?


I’m Tracy, Career Consultant, former Executive Headhunter and I help senior executives and leaders to land great jobs and be successful at work through 1:1 coaching.

I work with clients around the world from my London-based Zoom office.

If you’re ready for straight-talk and career guidance get in touch – let's start the conversation.


And don’t forget to sign up to The Insider – behind the scenes of your executive career for my 'insider' tips and inspiration delivered straight to your inbox.